Life, Ladybugs and The Boogie

January 22, 2012

Holstee Manifesto

This is comprehensive and profound. However, my advice wouldn’t be to quit your job.

My advice would be to be so honest and authentic that they have no choice but to fire you; then you sign up for unemployment to support a minimalistic lifestyle while you heal your heart and learn to hear the messages it’s been trying to tell you all these years. Preferably in another country.

As I sit here typing this post at Baraka cafe in Palermo Soho in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a Ladybug landed on my table.

I’m sitting inside. What is a Ladybug doing inside of a restaurant? Maybe waiting to order. Waiters are slow in Buenos Aires, Ladybug. Hope you’re not too hungry.

I have blogged about Ladybugs twice prior to today:

once on August 8th 2010 (the date on the blog is wrong for some reason), and

once on January 27th 2011.

At the time, my research indicated that Ladybugs are supposed to portend the arrival of true love. I’m guessing in these cases it must’ve been true love for myself, as there aren’t any men in my life (not in a sexual way, anyways), I haven’t even dated anyone since November of 2010 (!!!), but I HAVE been working diligently the past few years on allowing true self-love.

Back to the poster.

I love this bit, and I feel like I’ve been following it:

If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you once you start doing the things you love.

And here’s one I’d like to start doing:

Ask the next person you see what their passion is.

Here in Buenos Aires, you meet a lot of travelers and nomads and expats. Inevitably we ask each other, “What’s your story?” to get a summary of where they came from, how they got here, what they’re doing now, where they’re going next. It’s fascinating but does get repetitive. I think I’ll start asking “What is your passion?” instead. More fun for them to answer, and more illuminating for me.

Back to the Ladybugs.

I just found this assertion of Ladybug symbolism that has nothing to do with true love:

When ladybugs appear they are a sign from the universe that you are being protected and that you are safe as you work hard to promote yourself and your ideas. Ladybug tells you to be cheerful in your work and to share the joy of your creativity with others.

Alright. That sounds good. And more suitable for what I’ve been doing since August of 2010.

Or there’s this:

Ladybug’s medicine includes carrying the golden strand that leads to the centre of the universe, past lives, spiritual enlightenment, death and rebirth, renewal, regeneration, fearlessness, protection, good luck, wishes being fulfilled, protection.

Damn. That pretty much covers everything. Also found this:

Though small in size the ladybug is fearless. As fear cannot exist amongst joy, the ladybug brings a message of promise, for they get us back in touch with the joy of living – we must let go of our fears and go back to our roots, to love. We are also taught to restore our trust and faith in the universe, we have to get over ourselves, our egos, and allow life to take its course going with the flow.

Ladybug showing up in ones life foretells a time of luck and protection, where wishes start to become actualised. Worries will quickly disperse when ladybug appears as they shield us from our aggravations, paving the way for new found happiness – aim high, you will get what you focus on. However, ladybug also cautions us not to force things or try to hard to fulfil your wishes, go with the flow and let things take their natural course. Your wishes will come true when they do – in their own time!

Finally, I’ll leave you with a GREAT mix, which I was listening to as I wrote this, by my impeccably-tasted (if that makes sense) friend Tommy B: Click here to listen some funky nudisco house and even download it for free if you’re so inclined! Legally!!!
[New update – as I’m finishing this post, I just got a text from Fernando. Not sure who Fernando is… Who knows, maybe he’s my Javier Bardem. {{Reference to my Eat Pray Love life}}] .

12 Responses to “Life, Ladybugs and The Boogie”

  1. joel said

    Great writing as usual. I’m very fond of the poster saying too.

    I like your statement “My advice would be to be so honest and authentic that they have no choice but to fire you; then you can sign up for unemployment to support a minimalistic lifestyle while you heal your heart and learn to hear the messages it’s been trying to tell you all these years.”

    That’s EXACTLY what I did and what happened to me. it’s been a huge blessing. The vast majority of jobs have no room for complete honesty. People learn to lie at their jobs. People also learn to lie to smooth over social interactions even outside of work. It’s sad that people can’t be honest without offending unenlightened people. When some sad sack neighbor says “Hi, how are you?” they usually don’t want to hear how absolutely wonderful I’m doing in my life which I’ve decided will be orgasmic from now on.

    I adore ladybugs; they’re a welcome predator in my garden. I place them on the roses to maintain the aphid population. I had a praying mantis with a wounded wing living on my kale plant all last fall.

    • lunasealife said

      Thanks Joel!

      That’s so funny you did the same thing! I love praying mantises too. When I was in Boulder last summer I had one fall on me. That was the day before a bat landed on me. I have “animal magnetism!” LOL

  2. Heidi Spring said

    I shoulda done the unemployment thing longer! esp. considering how rubbish this degree has been!

  3. I love this post. I’m doing the 21 day positivity challenge and the last few days have been difficult. This post is lovely and a great reminder that life is about being light and free.

  4. Reblogged this on livelikewind and commented:
    Check this out, a lovely reminder of how and why we should be positive and Live Like Wind 🙂

  5. The other day I was at McManus Morgan (a fine paper store). The guy next door does the letter press for those posters. No joke. The posters are actually really nice quality. Letter press is very old and not many people use it anymore. He was showing them to me. 🙂

  6. Aaand…I’ve been wanting to learn more about animal totems. I know about the animals in my card deck that I use with my clients. But I set the intention to learn more. Lady bug isn’t in the deck, ha ha! Of course!!! xoxox

    I heart your pretty face so freakin’ much!!!

  7. lunasealife said

    Of course. On course!!!

    Love yers back!!!

  8. […] reminded me of this post about Life and Ladybugs that I wrote back in January of this year. “Though small in size the ladybug is fearless. As fear cannot exist amongst joy, the […]

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